Make a difference and
help make a change today!

Make a donation.

Want to help us make an impact? Serving Stars is grateful your financial support and the money you donate will help us in so many ways, from the purchase of mission-critical equipment (racquets, sneakers, books, iPads) to the paying the amazing tennis and fitness pros who are making this program happen, as well as transportation costs for our after-school program. Anything you give will have a direct impact in the lives of a child who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

 We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. All contributions to this organization are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.

Donate Today!

Become a volunteer.

We are always grateful for your time and talents! Below are some examples of ways you can pitch in to help us. If you only have a little time to spare, but want to be kept apprised of volunteer opportunities (at fundraisers or special events) please submit your contact information and we’ll put you in our database!